Are you a finance professional? Are you looking for an excellent opportunity to give a new direction to your career? Or, are you looking for your first finance job in 2017? If yes, you have come to the right place. If you are ready to give a push to your career, it is important to know about the sharp skills you will need to impress employers. Every year comes with some new trending hiring skills, and 2017 is not an exception. Here we tell you some hottest finance skills that are dominating the year. Tax compliance is the first thing accounting recruiting firms in DC are really expecting from the candidates. Businesses need to comply with tax codes and find new ways to save money. Dealing with tax compliance means to perform a variety of tasks and fulfill many responsibilities, like keeping up with the latest tax codes, create standards to handle company’s financial paperwork and formulate taxes. Risk assessment is another demanding finance skill of the year. I...